Mallow S.T.E.M. Project a Great Success
STEM - Science - Technology - Engineering - Maths
Over the past number of years Mallow Development Partnership, Mary Immaculate College Limerick, Cork County Council and local industry have collaborated in a ground breaking STEM educational project involving thirteen primary schools and five second level schools in the Mallow and greater North Cork area.
The Mallow Maths & Science Schools Initiative was created to encourage and facilitate the development of long term interests with STEM subjects and to foster understanding and skills among primary and second level children in Mallow and its environs.
The past three years have seen a sustained programme of educational and fun activity by teachers and students engaging regularly with Mary Immaculate College staff to formulate a bank of science and maths exercises which will be sustained into the future through detailed reports benefiting all groups from infants to sixth class.
Children in the project develop curiosity, inquisitiveness, critical thinking and problem-solving. These attributes will serve well as they progress through the educational system and can eventually open up rewarding careers in engineering, research, I.T., science, etc.
To ensure sustainability of the project in the years ahead, STEM resource kits have recently been awarded to all participating schools. In addition, the reports and outcomes of the past three years are being forwarded to the Minister for Education and Skills, Joe McHugh T.D., whose department has identified STEM as a key priority for the Irish Education system.
The Irish Government’s target is to make STEM education among the best, if not THE best in Europe within the next 10 years. The experience and learning by teachers, pupils and schools in this North Cork project can greatly assist in reaching this target while positioning the Mallow area as a unique centre for educational research and development.
Mallow Development Partnership now hope this innovative project will build on its success and with the proper funding forge ahead to the next level.
Participating schools include:
Analeentha National School
Ballygown National School
Ballyhooly National School
Baltydaniel National School
Bweeng National School
Convent Primary National School
Gaelscoil Thomais Daibhis
Glantane National School
Rahan National School
Scoil Aonghusa National School
Scoil Ghobnatan National School
St Patricks Boys National School
Scoil Mhuire Na Trocaire -Buttevant